Saturday 8 September 2007

One time only

This is the first and last time I will do this.

Mr Playmate and I rarely apologise to each other, no matter what we've done. Our friendship is based on taking the piss, playing jokes and fighting about anything and everything.

However, I will make an exception in this case.

I am sorry for giving you a blog name that makes you sound like a brand of condoms.

He will no longer go by Mr Playmate. Until he tells me what he wants to be known as, I will refer to him as Name Pending.

I have to go and lie down now to recover from the shock to my system that apologising to you has caused!


Heather said...

LOL. Can we have a naming contest? He, of course, can decide on the winner (so as not to be saddled with another name he finds unacceptable). I must admit, I rather liked Mr. Playmate ... but i never thought condoms. I did, however, picture him with a pair of bunny ears and a friend of Hugh Hefners....

Hope the effects of the apology are wearing off. Take two asprin and drink lots of water.

alcoment said...

See, I'd never thought of condoms either. Nor had I thought of bunny ears and Hugh Hefner, but now I can't get that image out of my head!

A contest might be the way to go, he's usually up for stuff like that, I'll have a word.

I have to say I've already taken painkillers and water. It didn't help with the effects from apologising, but did help my hangover!

Anonymous said...

LMAO... gotta love this. I did not think of condoms either. I pictured a James Bond kind of Mr. Playmate, but you that was just me.

I hope you are feeling better soon! I know how hard it is to apologize as I seem to need to do it often.

alcoment said...

So maybe it's just in his head that his name sounds like a brand of condoms?

I'm doing ok now, but I think a lot of the suffering has been caused by the fact he will NEVER let me forget that I apologised to him!

Rosie said...

And so it begins. Ah...the responsibility of a public diary. Of course he will now be known as the former Mr. Playmate no matter what you rename him. : )

alcoment said...

That's what I thought! He will never be able to escape the name, which gives me a certain level of satisfacion!